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Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Your Support Saves Lives

As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, Mederi Center® depends on contributions from a wide range of supporters, but our future success will also depend on generous gifts from long-time friends and committed supporters who want to help the programs of Mederi Center® flourish in its mission.

One of the many ways that friends can choose to express their deep commitment to helping people with cancer and other chronic diseases is by making a planned gift to Mederi Center. A planned gift is one that takes into account the specific financial goals and tax circumstances of a particular donor. Listed below are a number of the most common types of planned gifts:

Gift By Check

A gift by check (made payable to Mederi Foundation) may be made outright or pledged over a period of years. If you itemize your tax deductions your gift is most often fully deductible. 

Appreciated Securities

Your outright gift of long-term, appreciated securities (stocks, mutual funds, and bonds) is exempt from capital gains taxes and, in most cases, enables you to obtain a charitable income tax deduction equal to the market value of the securities at the time of transfer.


The most common type of planned gift is a bequest through a will or trust. Here are three types of bequests naming the Mederi Foundation as beneficiary:

An OUTRIGHT BEQUEST is for a specified asset i.e., a stated amount or percentage of cash, stocks, real estate, or items of personal property. Example: I give, devise and bequeath the sum of $10,000; or 100 shares of the ABC Corporation; or 10% of the total value of my estate to the Mederi Foundation, an Oregon non-profit, tax-exempt corporation located in Ashland, Oregon.

A RESIDUARY BEQUEST provides for the transfer of all or a portion of an estate that remains after all outright bequest provisions are fulfilled. Example: I give, devise and bequeath the residue; or 25% of the residue of my estate to the Mederi Foundation, an Oregon non-profit, tax-exempt corporation located in Ashland, Oregon.

A CONTINGENT BEQUEST is made when the original beneficiary named in the will is unable to accept the asset or property. This type of bequest can be all or a portion of an estate. This type of arrangement is advantageous for someone whose main concern is providing for his/her family. For example, a donor can bequeath his/her entire estate to his/her spouse; if the spouse predeceases the donor, the bequest benefits the contingencies.

It is very important to include the precise legal name of the Mederi Foundation when making a bequest to benefit Mederi Foundation. The correct name should be:

The Mederi Foundation, an Oregon non-profit, tax-exempt corporation located in Ashland, Oregon.

Gifts of Real Estate

You can make a gift of commercial or residential real estate to the Mederi Foundation and receive substantial financial benefits. If you wish to give the property outright, you qualify for a charitable income tax deduction based on the appraised value of the property. If you are contemplating leaving your home to the Mederi Foundation through your will, you may want to consider giving it now but retaining the right to live in it for your lifetime. You will continue to pay taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs. However, by giving now, you receive a substantial charitable income tax deduction in the year the gift is made.

Gifts Outside a Will or Trust

There are several ways of making meaningful charitable gifts without re-drafting your will. Here are a few:

Life Insurance – You can name the Mederi Foundation as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, or even transfer actual ownership of the policy to the Foundation. Simply contact your insurance company to find out how.

Financial Accounts – Most accounts at financial institutions can be made payable on death to a charitable organization. Ask the manager of your financial institution how you can arrange to designate the Mederi Foundation as the death beneficiary of your CD, savings account, or brokerage account.

IRAs and Pensions – You can make the Mederi Foundation the death beneficiary of your individual retirement account, pension, 401(k) or other retirement savings plan. Ask the company managing your retirement account now.

Living Trusts – If you have established a Living Trust, you can name the Mederi Foundation as one of the beneficiaries of your trust at death. Contact your attorney to find out how.

Making a planned gift to the Mederi Foundation is a substantively meaningful way to not only change forever the way that healthcare is viewed and delivered, but also to make a profoundly lasting contribution that will benefit future generations. To learn more call us at 541-488-0514 or email us at

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